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OCEAN RESORTS ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE By Carolyn Leaman Ocean Resorts Activities Committee, (hereafter referred to as A.C.) consists of twenty-six people who work diligently to provide organized activities and services for the residents of Ocean Resorts. In 1980 when the park was still owned by Bryn Mawr, the main activity was Bingo. Ida Smith, long time president of the A.C., shortly after having bought at the park, was asked to place a poster on the bulletin board, advertising the event. This, according to Smith, was the beginning of the listing of park activities. ![]() PHOTO LEFT, CLINT & RHODA KINNEY HOSTING A COFFEE Until about 1994, most park activities developed spur-of-the-moment. Someone would say, "Let's have a potluck". People would be notified and a party would form. Dances were held in much the same way. An "in house" band existed, so it was easy to quickly organize that type of entertainment. ![]() ![]() As restrictions were lifted as to what lot owners could do with their properties, people moved from the RV's where they spent much time outside on their patios, to inside. As a consequence, not as much socializing took place, so it was decided to form a committee to develop more consistent activities. Since that first organizing effort in 1994, when Ida Smith was elected chair, the committee has sponsored and funded many events and services. Money is raised through Flea Markets where hamburgers, hotdogs, baked items and various items are sold. An Ice Cream Socials is another fundraiser, along with money from Pampered Chef, Fashion Shows, plus printing and selling the in-park directory. Smith and her committee are especially proud of the fact that there is seldom a charge for these activities and services and any money made is given back to the residents either in the form of no charge, reduced charge or various items donated to the park. For example: A.C. paid for two replaced large screen TV's, two water fountains, new draperies for the club house, tables, chairs, card tables, and refreshments, at various events. When new restrooms are added to the Rec. Hall, the Activities Committee will once again replace drapes and wall hangings. Some of the many activities
sponsored by this committee, are: "Ocean Resorts Week", "Music in the Park", refreshments for "Meet
the Candidates", "Christmas Tree Lighting" refreshments, cosmetic parties, H & R Block tax questions, blood
pressure screening, movie night with popcorn, "Ladies Christmas Luncheon", "Children's Christmas Party",
"Valentine's Day Luncheon", Cosmetic & Jewelry Party. Most suggestions come from committee members. PHOTOS BELOW --TALENT SHOW HELD DURING O. R. WEEK AND MUSIC FESTIVAL
![]() ![]() The days when people were outside on their patios socializing and
activities were decided upon at the spur-of-the-moments are missed. But of course, times change. As people move
on to their just rewards, some things fall the by wayside and others appear. Those who want to be social have many activities
from which to choose. Conversely, those who do not, can easily enjoy their privacy at Ocean Resorts. (Additional photos can be seen by clicking below ) |
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