Members Narratives
Ocean Resorts has been called by many "paradise"  And what is paradise, Heaven, Garden of Eden, or maybe a state of happiness and love?    Many members have chosen to express their love of this communty by volunteering written works.  Appendix E is a place to display these various narratives,  You may read them by clicking on the  navigational tabs shown above (E-1, E-2, etc) shown  under Appendix E.  
El --  This Place We Call Home by Barbara Doran Dunbar
E2 --  A History of Ocean Resorts Park by Al Benson
E3 -- Ocean Resorts Wonderland by Rhoda Kinney
E4 --  The Way We Were by Larry Nelson
E5 -- The Store by Lois Kozlowski
E6 -- My Fun at Ocean Resorts by Alex Rabitaille