The Early Days
The first visitor of record from Europe to set foot on what is now known as Florida
was apparently Juan Ponce de Leon, a Spanish officer, in 1513. Florida was named Pascua Florida by explorer Ponce de Leon on Easter in 1513. Translation: means "Flowery Easter"
or "Flowering Easter" (after Spain's "Feast of the Flowers" Easter celebration).From that time forward the territory known as Florida had been
periodically subject to a few settlements, mostly Spanish and a few English, but no settlements on the barrier islands until
after Spain ceded the Florida territory to the United States February 19, 1821. The original natives in the territory
later known as the Treasure Coast were the Ais Indians who were at times hostile to the settlers encroaching into their territory.
From 1763 to 1783 the territory had been under the dominion of Great Britain and known as East and West Florida with the Apalachicola
River being the dividing line. By March 10, 1821, Major General Andrew Jackson was named Governor of the territories
of East and West Florida. In the early 1800’s the Seminole Indians started moving south, displacing the Ais and
also impeding the “take over” by the white men. The second Seminole War in 1835 pushed the Indians
south and westward from the Treasure Coast. On March 3, 1845 Florida was “admitted to the Union on equal footing with
the original States in all respects whatsoever.” It was the twenty-seventh state. The constitution adopted in 1845
is still in effect today.
As more and more people moved into Florida, population centers and governing bodies evolved.
Originally Florida had 2 governing divisions within the state, namely Escambia and St. Johns and what became known as Hutchinson
Island was in the latter. In the mid 1840’s there were 17 counties and the island was part of Mosquito County.
Then in 1850 there were 28 counties and Hutchinson Island was in St. Lucie County. By 1880 there was more change, St.
Lucie County disappeared and Hutchinson Island was in Brevard County. In 1975 St. Lucie County was carved out of Brevard
County, that being the St. Lucie County we know today and which the Hutchinson Islands are a part of.
The first land owner of record
of what we now know as North and South Hutchinson Islands was James A. Hutchinson, whose name adorns today’s islands.
He came to Florida March of 1803 and petitioned the Spanish Governor of Florida for 2,000 acres, running from the Indian River
inlet to Jupiter inlet. Initially, Spain had granted 2,000 acres on the mainland to him, but after several years
of Indian difficulties (stealing his cattle, destroying crops, and molesting slaves) he requested that his grant be transferred
to the barrier island (the undivided Hutchinson Island) for more natural protection. This request was granted in 1807.
However, in 1809 he returned to St. Augustine by boat to complain about pirate raids and lost his life in a storm during his
return trip. A grandson, John Hutchinson, returned to the island in 1843 and established a residence 6 miles south,
of Ft. Pierce on the river side of the island. He was apparently attempting to establish an Indian River Colony, but
it failed and he was never heard from after 1849.
North Hutchinson Island did not exist until the creation of the Fort Pierce Inlet,
which opened May 10, 1921. The initial inlet was 1,400 feet long, 200 feet wide, and
about 7 feet in depth. Later actions both widened the channel and tripled the depth to create a deep water port. Creation
of the inlet physically divided Hutchinson Island to form what is now known as South Hutchinson Island or South Beach and
North Hutchinson Island. As islands go, North Hutchinson Island is not a separate island because it is contiguous with
Orchid Island in Indian River County with the two forming the barrier island that runs from the Fort Pierce Inlet to the Sebastian
Inlet that was created in 1948. Before creation of the man-made inlets, there was a natural inlet in the middle of North
Beach. That inlet was shallow and at times impassable.
What became known as the Treasure Coast was not known as such until after
World War II when treasure hunters started retrieving the hidden contents, starting in1963, from a fleet of 11 Spanish ships
(by some accounts, joined by one French ship) that got caught in a hurricane in 1715. All ships sank off the Florida
coast, mostly along what is now Indian River and St. Lucie Counties. The Spanish Plate Fleet, also called a flotilla or flota,
carrying 14,000,000 pesos in silver and a large consignment of gold and other valuables was headed for Spain from Cuba through
the Canal de Bahama to pick up the Gulf Stream. The fleet left Havana July 24th and by July 30 encountered the
hurricane that caused its demise. The Santissima Trinidad y Nuestra Senora de la Concepcion, captained by Captain
General Don Juan de Ubilla, wrecked just 300 yards off shore near Pepper Park, very near where the old natural Indian River
Inlet was located. That ship was also called the Urca de Lima. Urcas were a cargo frigate constructed
with a flat bottom to better handle shallow coastal waters. It was also called the Nao de Refuerzo, possibly
because of the way it was reinforced to handle the ocean. The Urca de Lima was not totally destroyed
and all but 30 of its crew survived. They may have been joined by survivors from a sister ship that wrecked less than
a mile north of the Urca. Stores were reportedly used by survivors for about a month until help arrived from
Spain and some cargo salvaged. The remains were burned to prevent detection by "freebooters". Some 50 years
later a British marine surveyor, Bernard Romans, who had been sent to map the coastline found the remains of the Urca
de Lima, and some salvage of artifacts occurred. It wasn't until 1928 that an adventurer named William J. Beach arrived
and efforts were initiated by Fort Pierce officials to investigate the Urca site and retrieve some of the larger
items, like cannons and anchors, some of which adorn the Fort Pierce City Hall area today. The Urca site became
the first Underwater Archaeological Preserve of Florida in 1987. A buoy about 1,000 yards north of Pepper Park marks
the location where the wreck lies on the first off shore reef in 10-15 feet of water. A buoy at Pepper Park marks the
location of the ships 15 foot anchor. The Urca was listed in the National Register of Historic Places
in 2001. A second ship of the treasure fleet, the Nuestra Senora del Rosario sank several hundred yards north
of the first one near today's Ocean Resorts CO-OP. This ship was a 150 foot long gallon of 471 tons and armed with 50
cannons. It faltered just 500 yards off shore with wreckage strewn eastward almost to the shoreline. An
anchor, that matches 1700 era anchor designs, is located in Ocean Resorts. It may have been from that ship and was reportedly
dredged up in the late 1990's when the Corp of Engineers were removing WW II military entrapments from the shoreline.
While the foregoing is plausible, there is no authoritative verification currently available. From 1715 through 1719
Spanish salvage operations under Don Joseph Clemente Fernandez reportedly recovered almost 80% of the original treasure along
the coastal wrecks. A total of six sunken ships from the fleet have been found off shore from just south of Fort Pierce
north to Sebastian. It is believed that two others sank in deep water with one wrecked on the beach and subsequently
salvaged. The other three have not yet been found. Some theorize that the treasure ships were seeking safety
in the Indian River by going through the old Indian River Inlet on North Hutchinson Island slightly north of where the UDT
Seal Museum is today. That inlet had been problematic for years due to drifting sand or shoaling and was apparently
too shallow at the time of the storm for their passage. The inlet was originally 8-10 feet deep, but by 1856 had shoaled
up to 3 feet and totally disappeared by 1911. There are also tails of how a Civil War era longboat with gold and money
to pay troops capsized at the inlet with about thirty thousand dollars' worth of the gold found in the old inlet territory.
black on white map picture that follows was from a survey of May 5, 1859, and it clearly shows the old natural
inlet with numerous islands and shallows with no indication of it being navigable at that time. That map indicates that
the inlet was in the vicinity of Ocean Harbour South and Oceanique Waterfront, although it likely extended southward as far
as Ocean Pearl before the shoaling reduced the passage. Following the 1859 map is an overlay of a current map onto the old
map to the same scale with sections matched to pinpoint the inlet location on the current landscape. The 1859 map is the black
lines, with the current overlay map being the red lines. It is likely that today’s Kings Island, Wildcat Cove,
and Jack Island Preserves are remnant islands of the old natural inlet. Disappearance of the natural inlet contributed
to the eventual creation of the Fort Pierce inlet. There is a weather and time worn anchor of the kind used on the treasure
ships located on the ocean side property of Ocean Resorts CO-OP. It is pictured at the Ocean Resorts section, but it
is so time/weather worn that no identifying marks have been detected.

the best known of the many treasure hunters was Mel Fisher. After World War II Mr. Fisher operated out of the Fort Pierce
area and had an artifact museum in the Fort Pierce Treasure Building located on North Beach. There is some dispute that
he used that building, but the majority of written history indicates that he did. That is the circular structure that ultimately
became the south west part of the UDT-SEAL Museum. A picture of this circular building is located with the SEAL Museum discussion
later in this history. Many of Mr. Fisher’s findings are still on display at museums in both Sebastian and Key West.
Originally such treasures were “free for the taking” from the ocean, but the state of Florida eventually got into
the act requiring salvage permits and imposing taxes.
Because of the frequency of tropical storms and their stranding of ships
along the sparsely populated coast line, the Federal government commissioned the building of ten (10) houses of refuge along
the southern coast. These were built between 1876 and 1886. They were built to withstand hurricanes and were of
identical design, with permanent caretaker housing on the first floor where there was a bedroom, kitchen, dining facility
and stores. The second floor was housing (bunking) for those seeking refuge. The houses of refuge were spaced
about 20 to 30 miles apart along the coast and cost $2,900 each. The map below shows the location of the houses of refuge.
The stipend for the keeper
was $400 per year plus allowance for provisions. One such house of refuge was located where Pepper Park is currently
located. It was built in 1886 and called the Indian River House of Refuge. Its first keeper was James Bell
and the house was thought to have been standing at the beginning of World War II as the only building on North Hutchinson
Island. A written log from that house, loaned to the St. Lucie Historical Museum by Bob Miller, son of Ed Miller who
was stationed at the house, shows 34 ship wrecks during the period of Oct. 28, 1887 to March 23, 1913. Many of these
involved small boats such as fishing boats and schooners. Some say the house disappeared in the military training exercises
that occupied the island during the war. Others say it was torn down immediately after the war because of its deteriorated
condition. Only one of the ten houses of refuge remains today. It is called Gilbert’s Bar, is located on
A1A near Stuart, and is open to the public as a museum.

Indian River House of Refuge Gilbert's Bar
The western side of North Hutchinson
Island is bounded by the Indian River. It has existed for as long as there are any records. As far as is known
it has always been a salt water channel with tides and entrance/exit with the Atlantic Ocean. Some fresh water streams/rivers/creeks/canals
empty into the Indian River. It is 121 miles long and stretches from Ponce de Leon inlet (Volusia County) in the north
to St. Lucie inlet on the south. The Indian River is the northern portion of the Indian River Lagoon which also
includes the Banana River and Mosquito Lagoon. The lagoon stretches for 156 miles. It has many shallow areas,
its average depth being only about 3 feet with its width varying from ½ mile to 5 miles. It is reported
to be the most diverse estuary known with more than 2200 species of animal life and nearly that many plant species. Stamboats
like the one pictured plied the lagoon.

The intrusion of man has been altering the river/lagoon
to such an extent that environmental management is a never ending challenge. Run offs carry both pesticides and fertilizer
remnants into the lagoon and abnormal fresh water discharges from Lake Okeechobee (natural drainage was through the Everglades)
all adversely affect the lagoon’s ecology. It has reached such an extent that what had been clear water is so
clouded that one can only see bottom in depths of 6 inches unless an extended cold front cause particle precipitation temporarily
and then extended cold temperatures cause a different problem for river inhabitants. The Atlantic Coast portion of the
Intracoastal Waterway system traverses north-south through the Indian River Lagoon. That portion of the system was created
in 1914 at a cost of about three and a half million dollars. It provided a channel with a depth of 22 feet. Many
spoil islands were created along its length from the dredging’s that created the channel. These islands are among
the many natural islands that also adorn the river. Some have remained in their natural state and are wildlife refuges,
while others are maintained recreational areas. The Indian River portion of the Intracoastal system is a relatively
small portion of the entire system which covers over 3,000 miles along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts.

Island remained basically uninhabited until after the Fort Pierce inlet was opened in 1921. The inlet site was selected
because of its proximity to Fort Pierce and the distance from ocean to lagoon being only a hundred yards. Also the original
inlet was only about 4 feet deep and 100 feet wide. It was created strictly by state and local officials without involvement
of the Army Corp of Engineers. In 1936 an enlargement project increased the depth to 30-40 feet and the width to 900
feet. The picture above shows the dredge used in the enlargement operation. Up until the inlet creation there was no bridging
to the island and it remained a recreational spot for fishing and partying accessible only by boat. The first bridging to
South Hutchinson Island was created shortly after WW I. Dredging from the building of the Fort Pierce inlet was added
to the northwest portion of the island to create a causeway toward Fort Pierce and this was then connected to the mainland
by a toll bridge dedicated January 19, 1926. One of the early structures on the island was a Coast Guard station pictured

A 1940's vintage aerial photo of the inlets is below. The ocean is at
the top of the photograph, and several boats can be seen entering the inlet.

In 1945, after WWII, there was a Congressional effort to both
widen and deepen the Intracoastal Waterway. However, the funding bill failed to pass on an annual basis from then until
1950 after President Truman yacht (most likely the Sequoia) got stuck at Vero Beach for several hours with the President on
Board. The former secretary of the Navy, Jon L. Sullivan, was also stuck there on his yacht at about the same time.
Subsequently the funding bill passed and the channel depth was increased to at least 12 feet. Congress is still reticent
to fund the channel maintenance and there are more depth issues in Georgia and South Carolina. This information was
pulled from an article Janie Gould wrote on this matter after interviewing Vero Beach mayor, Alex MacWilliam.
A modern 4 lane highway bridge was not built until 1974. It was named the Peter P. Cobb Bridge. Peter Cobb
had been an early Fort Pierce entrepreneur, was an alderman on the city’s first formal government, and was the first
city clerk. North Hutchinson Island was not accessible by bridge from the Ft. Pierce area before WW II. The first
bridging to North Hutchinson Island was a “swing span bridge.” It had a house atop the structure that operated
the bridge. That bridge was operated 24 hours a day starting in 1947 until its drawbridge replacement was operational.
The same family, Reubena and Ralph Mills, lived in the bridge house and operated
the bridge the entire time. That bridge initially led to gravel/sand roadways with the east/west portion being Royal Palm
Way, later called Shorewinds Drive, and that roadway led to the north/south section called Atlantic Avenue. Paving of
A1A didn’t occur until 1956. What became known as the North Bridge was built as a draw bridge to replace the swinging
bridge and was commissioned the “D. H. “Banty” Saunders Bridge in 1965. That bridge has had millions
of dollars spent on it for refurbishments, but remained a drawbridge in 2013 with another multi-million dollar refurbishment
planned summer of 2015 planning in process for 2018/19 construction. When it was refurbished in 2003 for over $7 million
and totally closed for a month, the state had plans that indicated it would be replaced by a fixed span by 2018. There
is another small bridge on A1A less than a half mile east of the draw bridge. That’s called the “Little
Jim Bridge”. Originally there was a wooden bridge spanning this waterway and it was collapsed by a heavy dump
truck in 1962. A portion of that wooden bridge remains as a fishing pier at the Little Jim Bait and Tackle Shop.
Seems nobody knows who the Jim was whose name adorns these places.
Stories of the tremendous fishing in the early days
of Hutchinson Island abound among the old timers. The fish were large and plentiful, both in the river and the ocean.
There were no limits or seasons to contend with and many people made a living in the fishing industry. As the abundance
of fish diminished the controls emerged to try to restrain the depletion of the various native fish. Seasons, slot size
limits, keeper limits, with some applying by specific location, some continually changing all emerged, so that it difficult
to stay abreast as to what legal fishing limits really are. Many people made a living in the commercial fishing arena.
Steve Lowe was one of those fabled for both his fishing prowess and commercial activities. Some called him king of the
kingfish fisherman. He was born in Florida and grew up on the waterfront, his father having a fish house on the mainland
side of the south bridge. Steve created the commercial fishing establishment at the northwest end of the south bridge.
That’s the area undergoing major upgrade in 2013. Harvesting of eatable water creatures was not limited to fish,
for oysters, crabs, shrimp, clams and lobsters were plentiful and were in demand.
Many living creatures inhabit or have
inhabited the island over the years, some endangered and some now extinct. Raccoons, possums, squirrels, rabbits, rats,
otters, and land crabs are the most frequently seen in modern times. There is an occasional bobcat and scattered reports
of a Florida panther. A 4-6 foot alligator is seen swimming in the river occasionally, but the river is salt water and
the gators don’t thrive in it. Several kinds of sea turtles, some weighing a ton, use the island beaches for nesting.
Lighting in coastal turtle nesting areas is now controlled during their nesting season so as to not confuse the turtles to
move toward the lighting rather than back to the sea. There are reports that a species of a small bear inhabiting the
island, but was hunted to extinction by 1900. Many kinds of warm weather and water birds abound. There are many
sanctuaries and preserves in Florida and several on North Beach.